Benefits and Advantages

✔ Amazing value – 625% better value than comparable systems! (B2030 vs Kazuba, compared by $ per person permanent use)
✔ Minimum maintenance and servicing costs
✔ Non-polluting zero discharge system
✔ Long term sustainable solution – life span in excess of 50 years
✔ Odourless
✔ Conserves water resources
✔ No chemicals used
✔ Large capacity system
✔ No expensive treatment plant required

Enviro Loo - Snow install
How it works

The Enviro Loo is a dry toilet system that functions without water or chemicals. It can be installed almost anywhere.

It works harnessing the sun and wind, which provide the energy for liquids to evaporate and solid matter to dehydrate into a dry hygienic waste material, roughly 5% of its original mass. It functions completely off-the-grid and does not require water, electricity or chemicals to operate (there is an optional electric fan, if desired).

Enviro Loo is a tried, tested and proven sanitation solution, which has been in the industry since 1993. To date, there are more than 100,000 Enviro Loo installations in 51 countries worldwide. 

One of the great advantages that the Enviro-Loo has over other larger capacity compost toilet systems is the fact that – as the main body is buried – the toilet bowl is level with the ground. This does away with the need to have a raised toilet building – a huge benefit compared to the usual ‘split system’ configuration.

This means that no ramps need to be installed for disabled access – saving a great deal of money in construction/set up costs, and overall providing a better user experience for visitors.

Meet our range...

There are four Enviro Loo models plus an Urinal Kit currently available the prices are unrivalled!  

All Enviro Loo models operate on the same principles and are constructed using the same high standard of materials – the difference is in the capacity of the unit.

* A 12V or 240V fan is recommended for in-house installations.

** A Liquids Overflow & Protector can be added to the main unit if it isn’t placed in ideal positions, in the rare occurrence that not all liquids are evaporated. In this case, an overflow can be connected to a dispersal trench.

Domestic D 2010

  • 35 visits per day, or
  • 10 people full time

$ 3,850.00

Communal C 2020

  • 75 visits per day, or
  • 20 people full time

$ 4,050.00


Bulk B 2030

  • 110 visits per day, or
  • 30 people full time


Commercial I 1040

  • 140 visits per day, or
  • 40 people full time

* In this industrial model the customer constructs a pit which serves as the base half of the unit – please contact us for details.

$ 3,850.00


Pedestal options

Prices are inclusive of the Enviro Loo Porcelain Pedestal (left picture). 

For commercial applications or where needed, a stainless steel upgrade is available (right picture).

Learn more about it…

The Enviro Loo works harnessing the sun and wind, which provide the energy for liquids to evaporate and solid matter to dehydrate into a dry hygienic waste material, roughly 5% of its original mass. It functions completely off-the-grid and does not require water, electricity or chemicals to operate (there is an optional electric fan, if desired).

Enviro Loo is a tried, tested and proven sanitation solution, which has been in the industry since 1993. To date, there are more than 100,000 Enviro Loo installations in 51 countries worldwide. 

Installation samples
Enviro Loo Council Project

Enviro Loo Shop

At Green Loo, we strive to get you the best shipping rates. To do so, shipping dimensions will vary depending on number of items ordered. We pack orders in the most efficient way to save you in transport rates.

For freight costs and sales, please contact our office on 1300 85 99 35 or email to info@greenloo.org.