How the GL systems work

1. Turns waste into nutrient-rich compost
Green Loo's GL waterless composting toilets offer a hygienic way to recycle human waste in a manner that avoids polluting and wasting precious water.

1. Turns Waste into Nutrient-Rich Compost
Green Loo's GL waterless composting toilets offer a hygienic way to recycle human waste in a manner that avoids polluting and wasting precious water.
2. Stylish pedestal
The only thing visible in the restroom is a sleek, modern porcelain pedestal. Adding a touch of contemporary elegance to the space.
3. No flushing Required
A connecting chute directs the waste straight into the composting bin. Eco-friendly and water-saving for a sustainable future.
4. single wall containers
Green Loo's smart single-wall design maximizes the waste container's usable space and enhances heat retention, resulting in greater capacity and a more efficient composting process compared to similar systems.
5. Ventilation system
A low-consumption fan, powered by either solar energy or mains electricity, guarantees a 100% odour-free operation. It also creates an oxygen-rich environment for optimal composting.
6. False floor
A false floor ensures ideal moisture levels in the container. Any excess liquids drains out. If necessary, liquids can be reabsorbed into the composting the pile.
7. Drainage
Excess liquids drain into a small gravel pit, with alternative options available for installations located meters away from waterways.

1. Turns Waste into Nutrient-Rich Compost
Green Loo's GL waterless composting toilets offer a hygienic way to recycle human waste in a manner that avoids polluting and wasting precious water.
1. Turn waste into nutrient-rich compost
Green Loo's GL waterless composting toilets offer a hygienic way to recycle human waste in a manner that avoids polluting and wasting precious water.

2. Stylish pedestal
The only thing visible in the restroom is a sleek, modern porcelain pedestal. Adding a touch of contemporary elegance to the space.
3. No flushing Required
A connecting chute directs the waste straight into the composting bin. Eco-friendly and water-saving for a sustainable future.
4. single wall containers
Green Loo’s smart single wall design adds usable space to the waste container, offering superior volume/capacity than comparable systems.
5. Ventilation system
A low-consumption fan, powered by either solar energy or mains electricity, guarantees a 100% odour-free operation. It also creates an oxygen-rich environment for optimal composting.
6. False floor
A false floor ensures ideal moisture levels in the container. Any excess liquids drains out. If necessary, liquids can be reabsorbed into the composting the pile.
7. Drainage
Excess liquids drain into a small gravel pit, with alternative options available for installations located meters away from waterways.
1. Turns Waste Into Compost
Our systems are designed to ensure optimal levels of moisture, temperature, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen required to achieve good composting are present in the chambers.
The carbon/nitrogen balance is managed by regularly adding carbon-dense mulch (Hemp, wood shavings, peat or similar) to the pile. At the end of the composting process microbes have broken down the waste into humus, a soil-like substance with an earthy odour.
A supply of dried flakes of microbes is initially provided with the toilet when it is purchased to facilitate the start of the composting process and can also be used to boost composting during the composting process. Also, a spray bottle of Flush Enzymes, which serve to facilitate the composting process, aid with any odours and can be used as a bio – cleaning agent.
2. Stylish Pedestal
GL systems typically include a ceramic pedestal, with optional polyethylene or stainless steel alternatives. All pedestals come with a Deluxe Slow Close Seat.
3. No flushing required

4. Single wall container
When one container has reached capacity, it is removed and set aside to let it continue to compost. An empty container then replaces the removed container. The supplied timber rails aid in the easy exchange of containers, while ensuring accurate placement of the exchange container (see ‘underside chute installation’ picture below).
Once the fallow container has fully composted, it is emptied and the humus can be buried or used in the garden (depending on local health regulations). The emptied container is then ready for re – use in the system.
The single-wall design optimizes space within the waste container while retaining heat, a critical factor for efficient composting.
5. Ventilation system
The vent system effectively aerates the compost, eliminates odours from the toilet room, and facilitates moisture evaporation.
A low-wattage fan (either solar or mains powered) is used for standard installation. A ‘Whirlybird’ is available for areas with high winds.
6. False floor

7. Drainage
Typically, only 5-10% of liquids will drain, making a small gravel pit sufficient. For installations in environmentally sensitive areas or near waterways, Green Loo provides tailored alternative solutions.